SRP and 911:

Common Language for Coordinated Response

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About this Webinar

Watch on-demand and learn as experts from The “I Love U Guys” Foundation and RapidSOS discuss how unified communication and technology can significantly reduce response times and improve coordination and outcomes during school emergencies.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the critical role of a common language in emergency response and recovery, and how it enhances coordination between schools and emergency services.
  • Learn how standardized communication protocols like the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) further enhance emergency management when paired with technology.
  • Explore real-world case studies demonstrating how integrated communication systems have improved response times and outcomes in actual school emergencies.
  • Understand the importance of SROs and safety staff in emergencies, including their training in SRP and communication with Emergency Communication Centers (ECCs)/911.

About the Presenters

Pat Hamilton,
Executive Director,
The "I Love U Guys" Foundation

With his 23-year tenure at Adams 12 Five Star Schools and new role as the Executive Director of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, Pat Hamilton demonstrates a strong commitment to enhancing school safety. His involvement with The "I Love U Guys" Foundation since 2008 underscores his dedication to creating safe learning environments and protecting the joy of youth. Pat's knowledge of school safety is evident through his contributions to the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and the Standard Reunification Method (SRM), which earned him the moniker "grandfather of reunification," an acknowledgment that reflects his contributions to school safety. The dedication Pat exhibits to enhancing the safety of schools, districts, departments, agencies, organizations, and communities around the world establishes him as a respected leader for The "I Love U Guys" Foundation as it moves forward.

Karin Marquez,
Chief Public Safety Brand Officer,

Karin is a public safety veteran, having started her career in 1997 as a dispatcher, where she dispatched Police, Fire and EMS. Since beginning her career, Karin has risen through the public safety industry, helping to design, shape, and innovate the 911 infrastructure in use by agencies across the United States. Today, Karin serves as the Private Sector Director on the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Board. What she loves most about these opportunities is bringing the front-line user needs to the right people to drive enhancements. Karin has participated in many user groups and industry advisory boards for some of the top 911 industry software providers throughout her career. Today, following her shift into the technology realm, she’s focused on connecting and educating the dispatcher community on new technological tools they can use to improve their response time and better prepare themselves for the emergencies ahead.

Learn how to leverage a common language and technology for better emergency preparedness and enhanced school safety.