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Implementing an evidence-based behavioral threat assessment (BTA) process provides districts an alternative to under or overreacting to threatening behavior.
BTA, as exemplified by the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) model, enhances school safety by resolving student conflicts and problems before they escalate into violence. This approach, developed by Dr. Dewey Cornell, emphasizes early attention to student conflicts and getting them the support they need to stay on a safer path.
You’ll also learn how software can help integrate multiple data sources to identify warning signs and patterns so BTA teams can make informed decisions.
Dr. Dewey Cornell is a forensic clinical psychologist, the director of the Virginia Youth Violence Project and a faculty associate of the Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy. He has authored more than 200 publications in psychology and education, including studies of juvenile homicide, school safety, bullying, and threat assessment. He is the principal author of the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG), which is an evidence-based model of school threat assessment used in schools across the United States and Canada. He also led the development of the Authoritative School Climate Survey as a student and staff measure of school climate and safety conditions. He is currently directing studies of school climate and school threat assessment with funding from the U. S. Department of Justice. A major emphasis in his work is the elimination of racial inequities in school discipline and educational outcomes.
Will has been a part of the Raptor team since 2021 and has worked extensively on its newest product offering, StudentSafe™. Prior to Raptor, Will spent a decade in Florida schools where he most recently supervised the implementation of threat assessment models at the School District of Palm Beach County. He is a member of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals and has experience as a teacher, coach, and principal.