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Raptor Technologies and Lightspeed Systems have teamed up with Dr. Paula Love, President of RFPMatch and highly sought-after grant writing consultant, to bring you this workshop outlining the Pennsylvania Act 55 School Mental Health & Safety and Security Grants for the 2022-23 school year, totaling $190 million. This workshop outlines important aspects of the grant as well as provides an overview of how Raptor Technologies and Lightspeed Systems can provide solutions that help meet the needs these grants are designed to fulfill.
Dr. Paula Love, known as the Funding Doctor, is a highly sought out speaker, writer, and publisher in education funding. She has nearly five decades of experience and a winning track record using proven funding strategies for for-profit and nonprofit organizations, state and local educational agencies, schools, and institutions of higher learning.
Dr. Love's public service includes educational leadership and administrative roles at local, state, and federal levels with passion for helping others find funds and with a focus on securing and managing millions of dollars of major grant initiatives.