Principles of the Standard Reunification Method

With The "I Love U Guys" Foundation


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About One Hour

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About this Webinar

No school is immune to emergencies; fires, extreme weather, bomb threats, or acts of violence. This is just a short list of events that could initiate a release and reunification of students with their guardians. This is a critical component of emergency response, but one that is often overlooked.

A predetermined, practiced reunification method ensures the reunification process will not further complicate what is probably already a chaotic, anxiety-filled scene. The Standard Reunification Method (SRM) from The "I Love U Guys" Foundation provides school and district safety teams with proven methods to plan, practice, and achieve a successful reunification.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the principles of the Standard Reunification Method developed by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation
  • Explore proven reunification practices to consider as you develop or review your emergency management protocols
  • Learn how Raptor partners with schools to use technology to streamline and optimize the reunification process

About the Presenters

Dan Rector,
Emergency Management & Homeland Security
The "I Love U Guys" Foundation

Dan is an emergency management expert manager with proven success preparing organizations to thrive during difficult & unexpected situations. He has earned certifications and completed additional training from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, FEMA, the Defense Nuclear Weapons School, and the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress. Subject areas include hazardous materials, nuclear/radiological response, and chemical/biological agents detection.

Dan holds a master’s degree in Emergency Management, and coursework towards a doctorate of Management focused on Homeland Security. Additionally, he has over 12 years of military service with experience in both the United States Coast Guard and the Army National Guard.

Katelyn Warnock,
Director of Professional Services
Raptor Technologies

Katelyn is an experienced business analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. She has been with Raptor since 2018 and became the Director of Professional Services in 2022. Katelyn holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University.

Join us for this dynamic, informative presentation on the Standard Reunification Method and practical applications to implement in your school.