W E B I N A R  O N - D E M A N D

Standard Response
Protocol Fundamentals

With The "I Love U Guys" Foundation


Your Online Device


About one hour

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About this Webinar

A uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident is the foundation of a safe school. This webinar will walk through the fundamentals of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP), developed by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, which is an action-based, flexible, and easy to learn method for emergency response.

Based on developing common language for use during emergencies, the SRP rationally organizes tactics for response to any type of event, including weather events, fires, accidents, intruders, and other threats to school safety. Its tactics are data-driven, researched, and based on experience and contemporary practices.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn about the benefits and key elements of the Standard Response Protocol developed by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation
  • Find out what’s new for 2023 SRP
  • How the Raptor Emergency Management system enables seamless integration of panic alert technology with the SRP

About the Presenters

Dan Rector,
Emergency Management & Homeland Security
The "I Love U Guys" Foundation

Dan is an emergency management expert manager with proven success preparing organizations to thrive during difficult & unexpected situations. He has earned certifications and completed additional training from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, FEMA, the Defense Nuclear Weapons School, and the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress. Subject areas include hazardous materials, nuclear/radiological response, and chemical/biological agents detection.

Dan holds a master’s degree in Emergency Management, and coursework towards a doctorate of Management focused on Homeland Security. Additionally, he has over 12 years of military service with experience in both the United States Coast Guard and the Army National Guard.

Peter Trate,
Director of Product Managment
Raptor Technologies

Peter Trate is a PMP certified driven technology & project management professional with over a decade of experience in project management and product management. Peter has been with Raptor Technologies’ Product Development department since 2015, currently serving as the Director of Product Management.

View this webinar to gain an understanding of Standard Response Protocol and the technology & tools to help implement it.